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Farm consultancy

Farm consultancy

Government has announced new planning laws for England, allowing farmers greater freedom to grow and diversify their businesses. 

The NFU vice president who brought forward these issues in the last consultation is pleased with the items included in the announcement – these include: 

Expanding and extending the size of buildings that can be erected with permitted development, and Expanding the changes of use within buildings on farms. 

Following these changes, farmers now have scope to convert agricultural buildings and land into business opportunities, without the need for a planning application. This includes larger farm shops, outdoor sports facilities, farm training centres…

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Tackling endemic diseases in cattle and sheep – A New Support

DEFRA has announced a new support to help farmers tackle BVD and various health conditions in sheep. The Farm to Fork Summit saw the Prime announce this new support, which will be available from Summer 2024, to help livestock farmers with these ongoing issues. 

Livestock farmers can receive a set fee for each animal species: 

Sheep - £639Cattle with no BVD - £215 

Where BVD is present within beef and dairy herds, a higher rate will be offered from between £837 to £1733. 

The support will initially be available for sheep and beef cattle, with dairy cattle added soon after. 


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Have you heard of Soil Benchmark? 

A useful tool growing in popularity as it offers farmers (in England, Scotland and Wales) a cost-effective alternative for creating soil management plans that meet the requirements of DEFRA SFI Policy.

Frequently used by rural advisers and agronomists, Soil Benchmark allows farmers to quickly and easily meet all the requirements of the new SAM1 option in SFI. The use of data from the Environment Agency, Ordnance Survey, and British Geological Survey, means the system provides all the information needed for meeting DEFRA’s requirements when forming soil management plans. 

The ‘Smart Proposals’ provided by Soil Benchmark, are based…

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With wet weather causing havoc for many farmers across the country, DEFRA have introduced new temporary adjustments to support farmers who have experienced disruptions to their farming activities. In particular, those who are struggling to meet mandatory requirements for their agreements (such as the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Countryside Stewardship or Environmental Stewardship). 

These adjustments will allow farmers more time to establish crops for their agreements, or to delay some activities to later in the year. This covers the period from 1 October 2023 to 31 July 2024, for live agreements. For more information about these adjustments, click here.

As part of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2024, the three Animal Health and Welfare Grants are designed to provide financial support to farmers purchasing new equipment and technology for their livestock businesses. There are over 230 items to choose from, with 54 new items since the last round. 

A percentage of the cost of each item applied for, will be paid for by DEFRA. 

For many items, the percentage of how much is paid, has increased since last year. 


The Three Grants available: 

Grant items that improve productivity Grant items for slurry management Grant items that improve animal health and welf… Read More

The 2024 Revenue Claim window for Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship, is NOW OPEN, and you have until 11:59pm on Wednesday 15th May 2024 to submit your claim without reduction. 

*Before submitting your claim, don’t forget to update your land use codes by signing into the Rural payments Service. 

For more information about submitting your claim, click here. 

This year is the first year BPS payments are delinked. This means there will be no requirement to submit a Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) application window in 2024. 

Businesses will automatically receive the delinked payments if you have previously claimed BPS in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 and you will continue to receive a delinked BPS sum automatically, each year until 2027. Each year the sum received will be a reducing sum each year, as progressive reductions are applied. Payments will be made in two sums, 50% paid from the 1st of August, with the remaining amount paid from 1st December. 

This is an app that can easily pinpoint your location by using three unique words. It is free to use and does not require any phone signal or internet connection, once you have downloaded the app. What3words is also available to use on a web browser if you prefer not to download the app (however to do this, requires internet connection). 

How does it work? 

What3words has allocated every 3-metre squares of the world, a combination of three easy-to-pronounce unique words. These words can be saved and shared with others to allow you to find precise locations, as accurate as GPS coordinates. 

For example, the location…

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DEFRA have now published their guidance on applying for the 2024 Farming Equipment and Technology Fund and the application window will open shortly. 

About the Fund 

The Fund provides grants for equipment and technology that supports improvements in: 

Productivity Slurry Management Animal Health and Welfare 

This is a competitive grant, and you can apply for one grant for equipment under one of the three themes above. 

Successful applicants will receive a grant of: 

A minimum of £1000 and a maximum of £50,000 towards productivity items (increase from last year)A minimum of £1000 and a maximum of £50,000 towards slurry items (i… Read More

Further to our previous update about the upcoming Improving Farm Productivity Grant, the application window is now open for both robotic and automated equipment and solar equipment.

Details of this grant scheme can be found here. Improving Farm Productivity grant Round 2: applicant guidance - GOV.UK (

UPDATE:  DEFRA have decided to increase the proportion of the costs that the grant will cover, to 50% rather than 40% for robotic and automated equipment. Meaning the grant will cover more of the total project costs, than it did in Round 1. 

Payment of costs for solar equipment will remain the same at 25%. 


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Lower Road, Erlestoke
SN10 5UE